Kreation Arduino on Off Controller

Lokel This is a documented On/Off Controller component with support for controlling Arduino UNO board output from a Unity game or application.

This asset supports an Arduino / Genuino UNO boards connected via USB serial and makes it possible to control the output signals on 5 digital/PWM pins - 3, 5, 6, 10 and 11 on the UNO.

Lokel Digital’s DesignerTech YouTube Channel

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This video explains how to use this asset with the Unity Animation window and Animator window to make a LED sequence light show that can be controlled from a Unity in-game UI. No code needed! DesignerTech YouTube video - How to install Firmata on your Arduino UNO

How to animate LED light show with Unity Animation clips and control this with an Animation Controller triggered by UI in a Unity Application

Available On the Unity Asset Store

Asset Store Cover Image

Available on the Asset Store for FREE